Monday, December 17, 2012

Updated Monday, 12-17-12

Ok, we're settled in have the boat in the water and took it out for our first jaunt today. We still have to figure the navigation system out which means reading more manuals! Plus our computer crashed and the new one just came today so that will be more learning "stuff."

Friends Pat & George Sprouse came and visited for several days. We got to see plenty of Key Deer and have No Name Pub Pizza, sunset at Key West, manatees swimming by at Geiger Key, Fat Albert Blimp--all the usual stuff, tho the manatees were a treat. We never did find an Iguana for Pat tho!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

November 29th to December 1

Ok, I've been behind on this blog as we are now situated in our rental in the Keys.  The rooster in the tree is the parking lot at the grocery store.  They were crowing away.
Again, the pic's won't load in the order I submit them.
The Everglades was awesome as ever, but we didn't see the big migrations like last year.  We didn't do much but take some walks and saw more vultures this trip than we can ever remember.  Maybe that's a bad omen at Homer's age. (He told me to say that.) 
Saw a dead gator that was hit by a truck (we were told).  He was sunning himself on the warm pavement and that was his demise.   Boy those vultures were all lined up. 
Also found the skeleton of one on our walk at the Eco Pond.  Guess it wasn't too eco-friendly for him.
Here's a link to Shutterfly of pictures of the trip that Homer's taken so far: 
Click on album and then slideshow for quicker viewing if you're interested. 
Will be updating this blog maybe once a week or less.  We're on the run a lot lately.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Everglades, Wednesday 11-28 Another Mountain Pass Conquered!

Had Homer turn around so I could
take this elevation shot (no nosebleeds here). At this point there was no water or swamp to be seen (it all looked like prairie) as we were on a narrow 2 lane road into the park.

Sooooo, I jump out of the car and I'm maybe 5-6 feet from this gator in a drainage culvert with his/her nose in it. I jumped regardless, even tho it was no threat. Who would of thought out in the middle of nowhere!

We checked into camp around one and Verizon has no cell tower out here. There's a pay phone if I care.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Wed. Nov. 28th

Headed for the Everglades. Usually we don't have cell coverage down there.

Another beautiful sunny day!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Monday Nov. 26th and Tues. the 27th

Drove out to Boynton Inlet (said hi to Norm) and out along the beach. I took Aunt Marie for a drive later and we ended up chandelier (sp?) shopping when we were actually looking for a lampshade! It's a long story. Then we drove to Worth Ave to see how the rich shop in Palm Beach. A Jeep with 2 kayaks looked out of place. :-)

Monday just Homer and I had dinner with Wendy, it was a nice visit. She's done soooo much to her house and it looks great.

Tues. we went to City Place in West Palm Beach (with Sylvia, Doug & Marie) for dinner and had Thai Food. First time for Homer & I and very good! We earlier walked around boat docks and saw sand art being built. This City Place is huge, probably 2 square miles of shopping and restaurants. Beautiful!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Sunday, Nov 25th one Month to Christmas!

Left Phipps Park by 11 and met Aunt Marie and Homer's Cousins and kids at Outback near Lake Worth for lunch. Weather is sunny and warm.

Sylvia wanted us to see the Christmas display that a gentleman was beginning to put up nearby. Wowser!

This train set display was probably over 70 feet long and AMAZING! He was not done setting it up yet and covers it with a tarp at night. I'm surprised wind or vandals don't mess with it as it extends out of his garage on both sides forming a big U shape!!!!

What a gift he does for others.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Thanksgiving & Kate's BD, 11-23

Drove to Lutz, north of Tampa, to celebrate with the family. Kate & Shawn prepared a fantastic meal. We have so much to be grateful for. Kate couldn't have married a nicer guy!

My baby girl was born 33 years ago today with a smile on her face! She still has the greatest smile. How can that be possible when I'm notorious for my scowl? I think she gets it from Grandpa Hank, as he always smiled.

We now have ended up near Port St. Lucie Locks, tho the Corps park was full. We're at Phipps County Park across the road a little. Will stay here a couple days and head for Aunt Marie's in W. Palm Beach.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Wed. Nov. 21st

Left the Keys at 7:30 and tried to get a donut west of Miami somewhere.

Nobody spoke English and they practically ignored us and we left. Oh ya, a little 4 or 5 year old was sitting on the counter with her feet on the counter too!! Seems if you live in the U. S. your should speak the language but don't get me going! We've run into this problem in Homestead too.

Then we headed thru Alligator Alley--part of the Everglades Nat'l Park. Drove into Everglades City and Goodland. Liked Goodland a lot, old-time Florida. Marco Island is west of there and that's all developed and busy.

Ended back at camper at friend's strawberry farm in Plant City by 6:00.

Turkey day tomorrow at Kate's! Happy Thanksgiving to all our friends and family! :-)

Monday, November 19, 2012

Monday, Nov. 19th

Hauled the boat down to the Keys and dropped it off to the marine center. It took us 8 hours. Staying at our rental tonight. Feels like home.

49 cent wings at Boondocks!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

St. Marks Wildlife Refuge - Sat. The 17th

(For whatever reason, this posted a day late, it was actually the 17th that I submitted. I think cell range was low when I sent it )

Hi of 63 today but sunny. Checked out the Wildlufe Refuge (free with Fed. Parks Senior Pass). They had special Christmas Celebration and an eagle program/rescue speaker. Learned a lot. Heaviest nest ever was 2 tons!

Saw mamma alligator with about 15 babies, one on her back. My cell won't take good water shots, too far away. Homer used telephoto. Will put on Shutterfly later.

Monarchs are migrating! Also saw thousands of little one-armed crabs scurrying about but they were camera shy.

So far at campground we can't find anyone to pay. Bathroom is scary, faces the back towards hiway and woods. Sure enough, I get out of the shower & a gal comes in with her Rottweiler as I peek behind the curtain. Oh well, he didn't react. Price is right (so far) so I can't complain.

Remember, pics don't post in any order.

Plant City, Fl Sunday, Nov. 18th

Bright and sunny, in the low 70's, just like it should be.

Brought the camper down to Pat & George Sprouse's in Plant City (strawberry/blueberry farm) so we can swap out the camper and drive the boat to the Keys tomorrow. Visited brother Ken in Zephyhills on the way.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Headed to St Marks/Newport, Fl

Left around 8:30 and got to the Newport County Park around 5:00. It was already getting to be dusk. We're back on Eastern time. Temp. was hi of 51 all day!

Saw lots if cotton fields on the way.

Nobody at the park to check in with (yet). We've been here before and it shouldn't be a problem. One other camper here and host site has a Sheriff car parked there so should be good and safe!

Had dinner at the St. Marks River Cafe for a good burger & beer. Yum!

Pictures refuse to fall in correct sequence. Oh well! The beer pic. Was last. :-)