Tuesday, December 4, 2012

November 29th to December 1

Ok, I've been behind on this blog as we are now situated in our rental in the Keys.  The rooster in the tree is the parking lot at the grocery store.  They were crowing away.
Again, the pic's won't load in the order I submit them.
The Everglades was awesome as ever, but we didn't see the big migrations like last year.  We didn't do much but take some walks and saw more vultures this trip than we can ever remember.  Maybe that's a bad omen at Homer's age. (He told me to say that.) 
Saw a dead gator that was hit by a truck (we were told).  He was sunning himself on the warm pavement and that was his demise.   Boy those vultures were all lined up. 
Also found the skeleton of one on our walk at the Eco Pond.  Guess it wasn't too eco-friendly for him.
Here's a link to Shutterfly of pictures of the trip that Homer's taken so far: 
Click on album and then slideshow for quicker viewing if you're interested. 
Will be updating this blog maybe once a week or less.  We're on the run a lot lately.

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