Saturday, April 5, 2014

Headed Home April 4, 2014

I've not updated this blog due to the fact that it just takes time (and thought) and I haven't had much of either.  Being in the Keys is paradise but I figured I'd save the Blog for being on the move. 

We spent a good week packing, cleaning, and boat storage stuff and were exhausted by the time we left. The night before pulling out we had a great time with friends, and I've been deemed as the social director for a weekly girls night out next year.  Many had already left for home so we were down to a few girls and made the boys sit elsewhere. 

Our rental next year will be a couple of blocks away from this one.  The landlord decided that he wants to use the house for his family next year - can't blame him as the place is fantastic and we were blessed to have had it for a season.  I must admit a smaller place to clean is looking advantageous. 

God willing --  We're to go down next year in late Oct. or early Nov.  We have made many new friends and have old friends too (old is your perspective of it) and half of Michigan seems to be down there anyway.  

So, right now we're camped right next to the water at the Pt. St. Lucie Locks in Fl and will take our time going home.  Homer is out kayaking and looking for gators. I did see a good sized snake during my walk on the trails and he was more scared of me than I was of him. 

We've had some car trouble and are trying to get that remedied. The Jeep runs but has no "get up and go" and the dealership thinks it's an EGR valve, but didn't have one on hand.  We're headed to Aunt Marie's for her 95th birthday and will figure it out then. Luckily Florida has no hills or mountains. 

I'm working off my cell, so forgive any typos. :-). Will update on later adventures. 

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