Sunday, October 26, 2014

10-25-14 Leaving for Florida

Friday night Homer showed Colin Cooper (our new grandson by marriage to Kaity Jansma) how to run the tractor to plow snow this winter. They will be staying at the house for 6 months as they hope to buy around Sparta and this will be the perfect way to test the waters.  You may see him doing donuts in the yard as he was lovin Homer's John Deere. 

We didn't sleep a wink that night and left about 4:30. After our 1st fuel full up, the Jeep wouldn't start. We thought "Oh No" this is gonna be a lousy start.  Homer let her cool off and then she started, thinking the turbos needed cooling or something. 

Our friends Pat and George Sprouse that own the strawberry farm in Fl. where we usually park when on route, well they were headed to the Smokey Mtns. She texted me on a whim asking me how far along we were. I told her we were coming near Lexington, KY and they were too but NB.  It was where I-75 and 40 run together a short bit. I texted back for them look for our yellow kayaks and within minutes they saw us. We didn't see them due to the cement divider, but what are the odds of that??  We could have metup for lunch. 

We spent the night in a Cracker Barrel parking lot near Cartersville, GA and had a great meal there. It's the only place we know of where adults can eat off the kid's menu.  With Homer not having a stomach and me on an eternal diet, it works out well. 

Again when we stopped at a McDonald's for coffee, the car didn't want to start, but then did. Phew!

When we crossed the Fl line we immediately went to the Welcome Center for the FREE  juice and the FREE large print map.  Yes, we could have had a small print, but large seems like a good idea with all the seniors.  I've been seeing all these old people with gray hair, walking stiff after climbing out of their vehicles, (with a wobbly gait) and we noticed most of them have Mi plates. OMG, we're one of them!!!

Around 5:30 Homer and I got to Homosassa. We immediately went to the local Chassahiwitzka (We pronounce it "Case of Whiskey") Lodge and Bar.   Burger, fries and coleslaw for $7, quite the deal. Link to where we usually camp nearby:

We always meet MI people there and have a nice talk with someone. He told us his buddy got robbed at a rest area near Atlanta, $1,700 last year. He pulled in like 6 in the morn to sleep and some cons conned him into getting out of his car on some ruse and got him between two trailers and robbed him, out of sight from everyone.  Police came, but he didn't even want to go to the police station, just wanted to get the heck out of Dodge, or should I say Atlanta. :-(

Anyway we're staying at Wally-World tonight.  Ironically, I sleep well with all the noise of traffic and motors, just as long as there's not a dripping faucet or a fly in the camper.  

Headed to Lutz tomorrow to see daughter and the gang. Yeah!  

Excuse typos, as between cell phone keyboard and spell check, this is difficult. 

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