Thursday, August 28, 2014

8-28-14 Headed West

Got up at 3:10 a.m. to head out early and beat Chicago rush hour.  We had grand kids for several days as my son Nick just married a sweetheart of a gal (Lisa) on Sat.  We ended up with his son (Corey) and Kate's kids ( Trinity and Jed) for several days. 

We dropped Corey off at 4 sharp and hit the road. The past week was hectic but we are headed to see friends at Custer St. Park in SD, then Homer's daughter Jean in Montana,  then brother and sister-in- law's 50th wedding anniversary at Granby, Co.  

After hours of driving and lots of rain, Homer suggested pulling off at a casino in Clear Lake, Iowa area so he could rest and I could get my exercise. :-).  Long story short, I turned a 20 into 398!  I think I had a defective machine, it just kept giving me bonus round after round. Then they called my name for a birthday drawing and I won 25 free play.  Needless to say, I bought supper!
We are now parked at Hotel Walmart in Sioux Falls, SD and it is still raining. Homer drove 830 miles, so it's time to rest.  Will try to update if we have coverage. 

Excuse any typos, this is off my cell. 

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