Saturday, April 19, 2014

April 16 thru 18th - 2014 Getting Warmer

After leaving Bainbridge, Ga we had to go back thru the top part of Florida and stopped for Chinese in Jay.  Food was good but observant Homer noticed the menu had a typo-dyslexic error, as the name was supposed to be Jay Garden.  When he pointed it out to me, I didn't even "get" it.  :-(

So we headed north the back-road-way and stopped for 2 nights to one of Homer's favorite spots at the Corps Park in Pickensville, Al. You have to barely cross into Miss. to to wind down into the Park in Alabama. Just like the last stop, we camped in Bainbridge, Ga - but you could only get to it from Fl.  Often the Corps Parks tend to be on state borders as they are built along the rivers which tend to be dividing lines. 

There's been a lot of rain/flooding recently, so we felt the barge traffic was down, but every time we went somewhere, we seemed to perfectly miss a barge.  But here's a pic of one going by in the evening. It just seems so relaxing, but I'm sure they're working diligently on board and watching for every bend in the River or tree floating downstream. 

We stopped to the Tom Bevill Museum and Visitor's Center nearby. I highly recommend checking this place out. The architecture is amazing, old-plantation style. I love the door closure below. They said it was designed to keep animals out, not keep them in.  And I thought I was Homer's ball and chain. 

There's also the Montgomery Snagboat alongsidethe museum, totally refurbished. It was closed for some maintenance but we had been on it before. Here's some history on it - worth the read:  

Then on 4-18, headed back home on 57 northbound in Illinois, we saw a Corvette cut thru the median after being southbound. We thought what the heck does he think he's doing as he was "booking."  Then we saw the smoke! Turns out the Corvette was a nice young man, an off-duty cop. He saw the motor home smoking and was trying to get to him in case there were injuries and to stop traffic, etc.  

As we were pulled off to the left, Homer thought we had a flat, so we pulled off to the right to check the tires.  Thank God we didn't, as unpacking the Jeep to get to the jack/spare would have been horrendous - - as we're hauling a piano bench home for Libby and Jerry Teitsma and it would have looked like a moving sale along the highway shoulder. Also, the young man from the Corvette offered to help us, if it had been flat. The kindness of some people still amazes me. Seems we only read about the bad ones. 

Anyway, I have a video of the fire, as we were parked for about 40 minutes, but it won't load from my cell, or the blog doesn't allow for space reasons. We felt sorry for the horse trailer across from us, as the smoke, sirens, and heat of being parked so long in the trailer must have been confusing.  You could hear the horses were getting rambunctious in there. 

Anyway, attached is the aftermath of what was once a motor home. At one point we thought we heard an explosion of what we thought was the propane tank blowing. Praise the Lord, nobody was injured. 

So we spent a restful night in a Walmart parking lot in Mattoon, Illinois after we were on the road 11 & 1/2 hours.  It is a bright and beautiful day (57 degrees) and I'm amazed how my allergies are kicking in the further north we get. Must be things are blooming!  

As we crossed the MI line, I got Homer to  reluctantly make a short stop to Four Winds Casino so I could donate a little to Michigan's economy. :-).  Well, I was down about $40 and on the way out, I decided to try a new machine "Walking Dead."  I know nothing about the tv series, nor that game, not that I understand any of them. I went to try one machine and it wouldn't take the players club card so I moved over to my left, as a man had JUST left it. I did one spin and won $324!!!  Woo Hoo --  I unplugged, cashed out, and went back to the car.  Life is GOOD!  

Got home at 4:36 pm, 61 degrees. It's colder in the house than outside!  It will be great to sleep in our own bed. 

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

April 6th thru April 15th

So, our car ended up being at the dealership a total of 5 days. They never did totally figure it out but $3,000 later (ouch) we have full power! Anyway, we're lucky to have had the generosity of cousin Dave Teitsma, for what was to have been 2 days at his house turned into 5. He sold his house and bought a condo in the same time frame, so it was a pretty busy week. 

The good thing about the delay was that we then stayed for Aunt Marie's 95th birthday party. Bunches of out of town family came in and some surprised her too.  I hope to be as mently alert and physically active as her -  should I make it that long.  She is one fantastic lady and we all love her so!

When we left Marie's we parked at our friend's Strawberry-Blueberry Farm in Plant City for a couple of nights. We trekked over to daughter Kate's for a day to visit and for Homer and I to give our granddaughter - Trinity Swets - her belated sewing machine and a few lessons from Granny Kath, tho she is already taking lessons elsewhere. She's quick to learn and loves to create things, so it will be fun to watch her progress with it. 

We also had a good game of cards going:

Then last night, the morning if the 15th we got up at 3 a.m. to watch the total eclipse from the edge of our friend's blueberry/strawberry farm. Very cool, but the pictures don't do it justice so I won't load any.  I'm sure you saw it on tv and such. 

We headed out again this morn. and stopped by for a quick visit with brother Ken Teitsma at Zephyrhills. Always good to see family when en route.  

An hour or so later, I gave Homeboy a couple of sticks of gum while he was driving and it pulled out a crown near the front of his mouth.  I'll spare you the picture, but he looks like a true hillbilly when he smiles :-!  At least it doesn't hurt.

Of course lots of rain and wind went thru Florida and we had planned on camping at Newport, but they were without electric and the grounds were flooded so we booked on thru to a Corps of Engr. Park in Bainbridge, GA.  We've been here before and they have beautiful views with high ground, so not much flooding going on here. The sunset was great but it's stinking cold!  It's supposed to get down to 43 tonight. Guess we have to get used to it sooner or later as we heard it's still snowing back home. 

Being we take the road(s) less traveled, who knows where we'll be tomorrow. 

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Headed Home April 4, 2014

I've not updated this blog due to the fact that it just takes time (and thought) and I haven't had much of either.  Being in the Keys is paradise but I figured I'd save the Blog for being on the move. 

We spent a good week packing, cleaning, and boat storage stuff and were exhausted by the time we left. The night before pulling out we had a great time with friends, and I've been deemed as the social director for a weekly girls night out next year.  Many had already left for home so we were down to a few girls and made the boys sit elsewhere. 

Our rental next year will be a couple of blocks away from this one.  The landlord decided that he wants to use the house for his family next year - can't blame him as the place is fantastic and we were blessed to have had it for a season.  I must admit a smaller place to clean is looking advantageous. 

God willing --  We're to go down next year in late Oct. or early Nov.  We have made many new friends and have old friends too (old is your perspective of it) and half of Michigan seems to be down there anyway.  

So, right now we're camped right next to the water at the Pt. St. Lucie Locks in Fl and will take our time going home.  Homer is out kayaking and looking for gators. I did see a good sized snake during my walk on the trails and he was more scared of me than I was of him. 

We've had some car trouble and are trying to get that remedied. The Jeep runs but has no "get up and go" and the dealership thinks it's an EGR valve, but didn't have one on hand.  We're headed to Aunt Marie's for her 95th birthday and will figure it out then. Luckily Florida has no hills or mountains. 

I'm working off my cell, so forgive any typos. :-). Will update on later adventures.