Saturday, December 14, 2013

Nov. 28 thru Dec. 7th, 2013

Geese, I apologize but my last post stayed in never-never land and didn't post.  The internet connection was waffling and it must have never gone out. 

So, we did go to Kate and Shawn's for Thanksgiving and got to meet their new addition "Ridley."  He's an Australian Shepard and will bring years of fun and enjoyment to their family, I'm sure.

As always it was great to see everyone again and we even got to bake an apple pie together.  Had a whole bunch of great food and lots to be THANKFUL for, as we weren't even sure if we would be able to go to Florida this year.

Funny thing, we left the next day and went to a nearby mall for some walking around and to have lunch at one of our favorite taco places "Moe's."  As we went thru the line and I went to pay the $14.82, the clerk said a gentleman left $10 to be applied to our bill.  I said "You sure about it going to us?"  She said, "Yup, the man said for the gentleman in the cap."  Homer had a plaid dapper Ivy-type cap on that is like none other that we've seen down here (see pic above).  We're ASSUMING it was a random act of kindness/pay it forward type of thing.  How neat, unless we looked old and destitute and he felt sorry for us.  She said the man that paid had a sweatshirt with a hood and there was nobody around dressed like that??? It's one of those things we'll always remember.

Then we headed to Aunt Marie's (and hit some terrible rain en route) and spent a glorious few days by her.  She feels like a mother to me and I'm always amazed at how well she does for 94.  Heck, she's like Homer -- keeps you on the move and she's mentally very sharp.  I hope to be that healthy and alert at that age.

Also, Homer's watch quit on the way down (just a battery thing).  Uncle Norm always used to tell him to take his watch off when he got to Fl, and to relax a little (Homer sleeps with his watch on).  Well, a few years back during Norm's funeral, Homer's watch quit.  Now it quit again. Hmmmmmm, coincidence?

On Dec. 4th, we finally got to our rental.  It's twice as big as last year and in pristine condition.   Weather has been fantastic since we got here, low 80's, and so far one quick rainstorm.  We're digging around the kitchen trying to find various utensils and get familiarized with things.  Trust me, I'm not complaining, we are BLESSED to be here.

Went garage sale-ing yesterday and today, along with the giant flea market to stock up on misc. junk that you just can't live without.  I saw something along the road yesterday at a distance and my girlfriend Glenna and I couldn't imagine what it was.  Ha, it was a pot bellied pig!  At the garage sale I mentioned to the young man that there was a wandering pig down the road.  He wasn't concerned, he knew who it belonged to and said the pig was a "traffic smart pig."  So there ya go, the pig is probably more traffic smart than a lot of the people down here.

It's pretty sad that I put more pic's of a pig on the blog than I do of family (you can see those on Shutterfly).  Also, Homer and I saw a Key Deer yesterday, again with one horn (or is it half rack?) but I didn't get close enough for a picture.

Here's a Dropbox link to pictures so far:

I probably won't update this blog again til closer to the holidays and seeing I'm not doing Christmas Cards any more -- HAVE a SAFE and HAPPY HOLIDAY SEASON!!!!

Love, Kath & Homer

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Nov. 21st thru the 27th, 2013

We left Homasassa to kill a few days of doing nothing. We ended up 8 miles east of LaBelle at the Ortona Corps of Emgr. Campground.  There were ample sites left ($12 a night with senior pass), so the price was right.  Unfortunately there was no boat ramp on our side so we never got to put the kayaks in. The boat ramp was on the other side of the river which was 26 miles one way by road!

Neat coincidence tho, was that the construction all around us on highway 80 was headed up by my favorite son-in-law (and only one too) Shawn Swets, Project Engr. for Aim Engineering. When he realized the general area we were in, he asked if we noticed his project.  Well, for once I couldn't complain about road work.  Very odd to be so far from home, yet so connected to his work. 

Anyway, were told they recenly had seen a panther, bobcats, armadillos and manatees at the park.  We caught a glimpse of a manatee going thru the lock and we saw armadillos twice at night.  They kinda resemble a possum, or is it opossum?

So, you know how Homer loves water and boats, and we saw plenty. He's amazed how many expensive boats go thru and they don't "get it" on how the locks work. The water level goes up 8 feet going one way, or down 8 eight feet the other way.  If you're going to drop 8 feet, it's not a great idea to lock-tie the mooring line to the cleat.  We watched a "hundred plus some thousands of dollars" boat almost get string up by his hind quarter because he couldn't undo the line.  Luckily he ran inside the cabin and grabbed a knife out of the galley and in one swoop cut a line that had lots of pressure on it.  We all watched from behind the railing -- and just shook our heads. 

Anyway, here's a few pictures:

I found a neat App. called "Near Me."  I keyed in in on my cell and found the Florida Ridge Air Sports Park between Clewiston and LaBelle.  It turns out Groupon was having a special for $69 that you could take a tandem hang glider ride. They tow you up, release the line and within ten minutes it's all over from start to finish.........but if you buy the pictures and video, it becomes $249 real quick. Needless to say, we just watched.  Notice there's one person on top of the other.  The bottom guy is in a zipped up bag.  The person on the side just makes sure the tow line is straight and I'm sure she manages the money/paperwork. :-)

Right now we're parked out in Plant City at a strawberry/blueberry farm of Pat and George Sprouse.  They have become good friends that are distant relatives thru marriage on Homer's side  They've been a godsend in our travels as we sometimes need a little plot of land and an extension cord for a couple of days of zig zagging between family and friends. 

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and we'll be headed to my daughter Kate's (married to Shawn the engineer). We'll be spennding a night there so I can spoil the grandkids for a day and then we head out to Aunt Marie's in W. Palm Beach area. I won't have another internet connection until Dec. 4 so have a Safe and Happy Thanksgiving -- Drive Safe!!!!