Tuesday, January 15, 2013

January 15, 2013 Update

Sorry I've not updated in awhile as we have been BUSY.  Homer and I went for a nice kayak ride yesterday and then I did about 11 miles on the bike.  Phew!

Boat is doing well, but it is terribly windy lately.  I bought a fishing license the other day, but have not used it as of yet.  We've taken it out to Tarpon Belly a couple of times and that is fun yet very interesting.  Here is a cut and paste on someone's take of Tarpon Belly history: 

"We learned that in the late 1800’s that Tarpon Belly was created as a Shrimp Farm. Two long canals that ran North and South were dug through the Island, and all the shell and sediment had been piled on the shore making it into high ground.  At one spot on the Northeast side of the Tarpon Belly Keys we found another fairly deep spot we poked around in.  We paddled up each of the canals that had been cut through over one hundred years earlier. What historical secrets did this place hold? Had this island been used for other purpose throughout time? " 

During Christmas friends Bruce and Estee invited us to the Summerland Boat Parade and we got to ride on their boat.  Had a very nice time seeing how everyone decorated their boats and people yelling "Merry Christmas and God Bless" out the channel.

After Christmas -- Wendy, Jess and Amber Teitsma came for a brief stay.  We did the usual Geiger Key and Mallory Square routine and shopping for sandals.  A good time was had by all, even tho it was for only 2 days.  We didn't even have time to take them boating!

Then Doug Ludwick and son Darren came the end of December.  The guys did some boating/fishing but only caught small stuff.  Also, at Mallory Square, Doug got picked for a magic act.  HILARIOUS!  I'll attach the video (hope it works).
New Year's Eve we were again invited to Bruce and Estee's up the road.  We decided against the Key West gig as we've done that the past two years and didn't feel like fighting the crowds again.  We met a great group of people at their place and had tons of food.  My diet is kinda on hold, just trying NOT to gain at this point.  Thank goodness for my sister's bike that she left down here, as hopefully I can work some of it off.

Also, once a week I go out with the COUGARS group for dinner--Did I mention my diet, or lack of it?  HA!  There's up to 12 gals that get together at a designated spot and have dinner and drinks once a week.  I'm the youngest of the group, and the oldest is 86. Hope I'm in as good of shape someday as some of them at their age.  During then, Homer gets together with one of the husbands and does Happy Hour somewhere. 

I've attached a pic. of one of the gal's pet ferrets.  She does not take him out, but many people bring their dogs to the outside restaurants. Along with chickens strutting around, it's a pretty animal friendly area.

I'm attaching a link for Shutterfly:  These will be Homer's pic's since the last update.  He has many more photos and better quality than what my cell phone will do.  If you care to view more, click on view album and DOUBLE CLICK slideshow, it's much easier. 


Starting Thurs. night cousin Ed will be coming for a few days with his son Chris, so we'll be doing more of the tourist stuff and eating out again.  I'll try to update again after that. 


Also, good friends of Jerry and Lib, and now good friends of ours -- Dave and Glenna Cook -- will be coming in a day or two and staying across the channel from us.  Dave will be working on an airplane for a gentleman that lives on the airstrip across from us.  So I'm sure Glenna and I will find plenty of things to do or trouble to get into.  :-)

Remember, pictures won't fall in correct order by date.  At least I haven't figured out how to do it.  I'm retired you know and maybe too old to retrain!  The Shutterfly ones will though.

Also, you can click on the bottom of the page to get auto updates of this Blog if you care.  Have a blessed day!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update :) Looks like you are having a good time. The video worked - funny!
