Saturday, December 14, 2013

Nov. 28 thru Dec. 7th, 2013

Geese, I apologize but my last post stayed in never-never land and didn't post.  The internet connection was waffling and it must have never gone out. 

So, we did go to Kate and Shawn's for Thanksgiving and got to meet their new addition "Ridley."  He's an Australian Shepard and will bring years of fun and enjoyment to their family, I'm sure.

As always it was great to see everyone again and we even got to bake an apple pie together.  Had a whole bunch of great food and lots to be THANKFUL for, as we weren't even sure if we would be able to go to Florida this year.

Funny thing, we left the next day and went to a nearby mall for some walking around and to have lunch at one of our favorite taco places "Moe's."  As we went thru the line and I went to pay the $14.82, the clerk said a gentleman left $10 to be applied to our bill.  I said "You sure about it going to us?"  She said, "Yup, the man said for the gentleman in the cap."  Homer had a plaid dapper Ivy-type cap on that is like none other that we've seen down here (see pic above).  We're ASSUMING it was a random act of kindness/pay it forward type of thing.  How neat, unless we looked old and destitute and he felt sorry for us.  She said the man that paid had a sweatshirt with a hood and there was nobody around dressed like that??? It's one of those things we'll always remember.

Then we headed to Aunt Marie's (and hit some terrible rain en route) and spent a glorious few days by her.  She feels like a mother to me and I'm always amazed at how well she does for 94.  Heck, she's like Homer -- keeps you on the move and she's mentally very sharp.  I hope to be that healthy and alert at that age.

Also, Homer's watch quit on the way down (just a battery thing).  Uncle Norm always used to tell him to take his watch off when he got to Fl, and to relax a little (Homer sleeps with his watch on).  Well, a few years back during Norm's funeral, Homer's watch quit.  Now it quit again. Hmmmmmm, coincidence?

On Dec. 4th, we finally got to our rental.  It's twice as big as last year and in pristine condition.   Weather has been fantastic since we got here, low 80's, and so far one quick rainstorm.  We're digging around the kitchen trying to find various utensils and get familiarized with things.  Trust me, I'm not complaining, we are BLESSED to be here.

Went garage sale-ing yesterday and today, along with the giant flea market to stock up on misc. junk that you just can't live without.  I saw something along the road yesterday at a distance and my girlfriend Glenna and I couldn't imagine what it was.  Ha, it was a pot bellied pig!  At the garage sale I mentioned to the young man that there was a wandering pig down the road.  He wasn't concerned, he knew who it belonged to and said the pig was a "traffic smart pig."  So there ya go, the pig is probably more traffic smart than a lot of the people down here.

It's pretty sad that I put more pic's of a pig on the blog than I do of family (you can see those on Shutterfly).  Also, Homer and I saw a Key Deer yesterday, again with one horn (or is it half rack?) but I didn't get close enough for a picture.

Here's a Dropbox link to pictures so far:

I probably won't update this blog again til closer to the holidays and seeing I'm not doing Christmas Cards any more -- HAVE a SAFE and HAPPY HOLIDAY SEASON!!!!

Love, Kath & Homer

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Nov. 21st thru the 27th, 2013

We left Homasassa to kill a few days of doing nothing. We ended up 8 miles east of LaBelle at the Ortona Corps of Emgr. Campground.  There were ample sites left ($12 a night with senior pass), so the price was right.  Unfortunately there was no boat ramp on our side so we never got to put the kayaks in. The boat ramp was on the other side of the river which was 26 miles one way by road!

Neat coincidence tho, was that the construction all around us on highway 80 was headed up by my favorite son-in-law (and only one too) Shawn Swets, Project Engr. for Aim Engineering. When he realized the general area we were in, he asked if we noticed his project.  Well, for once I couldn't complain about road work.  Very odd to be so far from home, yet so connected to his work. 

Anyway, were told they recenly had seen a panther, bobcats, armadillos and manatees at the park.  We caught a glimpse of a manatee going thru the lock and we saw armadillos twice at night.  They kinda resemble a possum, or is it opossum?

So, you know how Homer loves water and boats, and we saw plenty. He's amazed how many expensive boats go thru and they don't "get it" on how the locks work. The water level goes up 8 feet going one way, or down 8 eight feet the other way.  If you're going to drop 8 feet, it's not a great idea to lock-tie the mooring line to the cleat.  We watched a "hundred plus some thousands of dollars" boat almost get string up by his hind quarter because he couldn't undo the line.  Luckily he ran inside the cabin and grabbed a knife out of the galley and in one swoop cut a line that had lots of pressure on it.  We all watched from behind the railing -- and just shook our heads. 

Anyway, here's a few pictures:

I found a neat App. called "Near Me."  I keyed in in on my cell and found the Florida Ridge Air Sports Park between Clewiston and LaBelle.  It turns out Groupon was having a special for $69 that you could take a tandem hang glider ride. They tow you up, release the line and within ten minutes it's all over from start to finish.........but if you buy the pictures and video, it becomes $249 real quick. Needless to say, we just watched.  Notice there's one person on top of the other.  The bottom guy is in a zipped up bag.  The person on the side just makes sure the tow line is straight and I'm sure she manages the money/paperwork. :-)

Right now we're parked out in Plant City at a strawberry/blueberry farm of Pat and George Sprouse.  They have become good friends that are distant relatives thru marriage on Homer's side  They've been a godsend in our travels as we sometimes need a little plot of land and an extension cord for a couple of days of zig zagging between family and friends. 

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and we'll be headed to my daughter Kate's (married to Shawn the engineer). We'll be spennding a night there so I can spoil the grandkids for a day and then we head out to Aunt Marie's in W. Palm Beach area. I won't have another internet connection until Dec. 4 so have a Safe and Happy Thanksgiving -- Drive Safe!!!!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Nov. 15, 2013 thru Nov. 19th

Please excuse typos and such as this is being done on my Ipad.  

We started out this year's journey at 6:15 a.m. and drove (I should say Homer drove) til 8:15 p.m. sleeping at a Cracker Barrel parking lot.  The next day Homer surprised me by getting off at an exit to Micapony Fl. as a friend had sent me a link to it -- so rich with history and turn of the century homes. Well it was late Sat. when we pulled off and the gal told us at the exit that most everything would be closing so we back-tracked to the nearest Walmart to spend the night.  Meantime my nose had been telling me that I was smelling whiffs of radiator fluid and Homer started watching his gauges closely.  My nose knows, for sure enough we were losing small amounts of fluid.  He kept adding water every so often after that, until we could get to the Jeep dealer in Homosassa.

Anyway Micanopy was nice, but not nearly as big as I pictured and being we were there on Sun. morning, most things didn't open until 11 or noon.  People were so friendly tho and there are plenty of antique shops in the area.

We are camped at the Chassahowitzka River Campground.  Looks like we'll be staying longer, as the Jeep needs a new radiator and the one ordered was the wrong one.  Ours is diesel and I guess someone missed that small detail.  Of course it's more expensive too.  While everything is ripped apart, you may as well get all new hoses and such.  Cha Ching, cha ching.

I had forgotten about the Florida smells, sounds, birds, flowers and SUNSHINE!!!  I also forgot about the no-see-ums.  :-(  I guess with everything in life, there is a price to pay.

At the river they were doing some video for some rock star out of Nigeria I believe.  I missed it, but Homer said it didn't look all that professional, but what rock video does?   Anyway, they were in the water with this mermaid suit on.  As it was drying I asked if I could have my picture taken with it.  It was very heavy.

I wonder if the mermaid thing had something to do with the manatees?  We've been told that some of the canals are closed to boats as the manatees are now mating.  They need their privacy too you know!

Here is a pic. of a VW bus tent.  I told Homer this is the closest he'll get to owning a VW, as he has enough toys.

Below is a ship made out of match sticks at a local Manatee Pub.  Amazing!  The whole bar counter top is made with them too!  

And last but not least, Homer was caught monkeying around at Homosassa.  I love the name Homer--Homosassa in the same sentence.  :-)

Food around here is very reasonable and as Homer often gets tired of my famous one liner....
"I Could Live Here!"

Oh ya, did I mention it was warm and sunny?  I love the birds around here.  

Friday, March 15, 2013

Friday, March 15--2013

Lots has happened since the last entry, but lately things have been in the slow mode.  Weather has been unusually cool and windy, but still better than back home! 

We've done little fishing on our own, although our friend Win did take us out once to show us the "hot spots" and nothing was hot that day, tho I did have a big one get away.  Apparently you have to jump to the bow and "pull up and reel down" (and my balance and bi-focals are "iffy").   I've had none of this type of fishing from my paddle boat back home.  Oh well, the line broke and it wasn't meant to be, probably a shark anyway.

Homer has had a couple of great plane rides with Dave Cook--our friend from Colorado who is helping build the airplane across the canal.  Everything looks so beautiful and clear from the sky, just amazing!

Glenna and Dave's Plane.

Picnic Island above.  Folks like to party and it has one of the few beaches around.

The Paddle Wheeler has seen better days.  I think she's there permanently, as she hasn't moved in ages.
Through connections of Dave, we were able to tour the Fat Albert control room and staging area.  It looks like the Blimp will be staying in service after all!   Thank goodness, it's such a part of the Keys.  Fat Albert is held down by a cable that's less than an inch thick which is strong enough to survive an airplane hit.  Unfortunately, this has happened.
Perspective of the above pic. makes the cable look much bigger.  :-)

North is sooooo hard for me to figure out around here.  Normally, I'm good with directions, but not here -- as the north/south road is usually east/west! 
John and Julie Maring visited for a few days, and we did the usual tourist "stuff."  We suggested they stay a day longer and then could overlap with my sister and brother-in-law as they hadn't seen each other in years.  We had a great time and I had more reasons to go off my diet.  

Then while Nancy (third from the left) was visiting, we got together at Boondocks with the Cougar's Group.  I believe we ended up with 17 that night (3 tables' worth).  I was the youngest until Hilda's daughter came along later.  The oldest in the group is 85.  Who said old people can't have fun?  We might not remember it tho and have to do it all over again and again!  :-) 

Our friend John from downstairs is pretty much a self-taught musician and we have followed him to a couple of open mic(rophone) nights.  He is very good and I admire his lifestyle.  He once lived on a boat for 22 years and also has a place in Wisconsin.  He's following his dream and doing very well at it. 

 At the Looe Key Tiki Hut
Yesterday Homer's first-born daughter Jean had her 50th birthday and she thought we were old when we turned 50.  HA!  Also, my son Nick has the same birthday and turned 36.  What are the odds that both our first-borns would have the same birthday, one in 365?  :-)
I clearly remember turning 36.  I took the kids to Cedar Point and had my caricature drawn with a birthday candle in it.  Wowser, then I don't remember any until my 40th. 
Homer's brother Jerry and sister-in-law Libby will be coming next week and that will pretty much take us through to the "time to clean and pack for home" phase.  If I don't update during then, I'll try to do it along the road. 
Have a Blessed and Safe Easter!


Monday, February 18, 2013

Monday, February 18, 2013

President's Day, February 18th

Lots has happened in a few weeks.  My son Nick and grandson Corey (11) flew in the same day that my daughter Kate and hubby Shawn and kids, Trinity (almost 9) and Jed (7) came in.  It was like a little mini-family reunion.  Homer and I slept in the camper just to give everyone more space, ourselves included.

The grandkids, as usual, had a great experience with Matt downstairs as he had Corey cracking a coconut and T.J. getting lessons on cutting up a pineapple, and always picking on Jed to straighten his collar.  Corey got stopped at security at the airport going home, as the liquid in the coconut could be suspicious, but they let him take it home.  His smile reminds me so much of my father--but then, Kate has a beautiful smile too!

Of course we did the Key West gig.  I've read that this is the most stolen sign in the U.S.  Unfortunately, the Toy Factory had just gone out of business the week previous and Fast Buck Freddie's (my favorite store) has also gone belly up.  So we walked blocks to do the Lighthouse Tour, and they had just changed their hours to close at 4:30.  We got there a few minutes before 5.  Oh well, good exercise.

Earlier that day we did the Martello Museum.  Very interesting building with some spooky history and Robert the Doll.  Check out:  You won't be disappointed. 

Grandpa Homer took us all for a fishing trip and Jed got the biggest and the most fish, but he had the unfair advantage of having fishing lessons recently.  Jed takes after his grandma (me) and great-grandma (my mom)  with his fishing abilities, but also with the ability to have little processing or filtering of what comes from the brain to the mouth, as I find I'm becoming more like my mother (yikes!).  It's hilarious (sometimes).  I think of the old saying:  "You sweat less than any fat person I know."  It would be just like him to say something like that.  :-)  T.J. has inherited my mom's artistic ability.  I have zilch, and it's interesting to see that it skipped a couple of generations.  It amazes me what she can draw.

The kids love that grandpa will eat bugs, puts fish in his mouth, pick up snakes--anything for a scream or a laugh.  Now Jed will kiss fish!  They think Homer is the Bionic Grandpa with having no stomach, a pacemaker, and scar tissue like railroad tracks across his chest--and to think I still CAN'T keep up with him.


Ok, the above snake wasn't alive--but I got him to hold it. 
We visited the Dolphin Research Center in Marathon and the kids got to shake hands with a dolphin, something they'll remember forever.  I'd highly recommend it to anyone as the prices were quite reasonable and there's 3 levels of things to do with them and we did the least expensive.  I'd like to comment that these aren't the type of dolphins that you see on the menu at local restaurants.  One of dolphins is relation to the original Flipper, if you're old enough to remember that T.V. show.

You can cut and paste this clip if you care to see a dolphin clip:

We gassed up the boat after the gang was gone and the clerk at the marina mentioned there was someone stranded with no gas by Monkey Island (aka Key Lois).  We borrowed a gas can with no cap and I believe we put about 4 gals in it.  We got his phone number and told him we were on our way.  The seas were rocking and this guy and his buddy said they were just outside the channel.  Ha, it took us a long time to find him and the phone barely had coverage, as he kept cutting out.  I had to talk with the wind and waves and wet, and relay it all to Homer.  They were actually way out at Hawk's Channel (not Kemp as we thought), out beyond Monkey Island at the end of the reef.  This guy kept saying things about good Karma, and how he'll make it up to us.  I had to get on the bow and try to hold the can so he could nab it without spilling it overboard.  My arms and shoulders aren't that strong and when we'd go up with a wave, they'd go down.  Eventually they grabbed it, gassed up and we met them back at the marina (Venture Out).   Phew, that was an adventure.  Even Homer told me I did good!  The boater told us he worked at a local restaurant and would make it up to us, but the phone call has yet to come.  At least they paid the gas from the can back to the marina, as the gal at the marina was waiting to close and go home.  Karma won't pay the gas we used in the rescue (Homer figured about $20-25) but it was good to help someone and have a laugh later.  The young man said other people stopped but didn't offer to help and a tow service would have cost them a fortune.

All the kids were gone by Feb. 8th and Tom Fox (a friend/like-son from where I retired at MDOT) was looking for a place to rent as he was going to do some ocean fishing with a Michigan friend.  We had a spare bed so I told him just to stay here.  He got to hang with us a few days and we got to show him that old people can still have fun.  I think we surprised him in many ways as several of our group are mid-70's to early 80's.  He's only half way there but has something to look forward to!

Tom caught some great fish that Boondock's (and most local restaurants) will cook for you.  Besides having the boiled shrimp special that night (69 cents each), they cooked his fish for $8.  Yum, was that good!

Then, while Tom was here--friends of Glenna and Dave Cook (Paul and Suzanne Gerhart) needed a spare bedroom and we were glad to help out.  What an opportunity as Glenna dusted (I hate dusting) and did laundry for me.  We bumped Tom to the Jimmy Buffet bed and we all came and went as we pleased.  Paul is an arbitrator/mediator and sure had some interesting experiences in his career.

So, today is the 18th and the house is empty.  I feel like I have empty nest syndrome.  Ha!  Now, no more excuses for not taking my bike rides and adhering to my diet, tho the weather has been very cool and windy with one full day of rain (a couple of days back) and we actually had the heat on last night!  I know, you don't feel sorry for us with the cool weather, as I hear most of you are swamped with snow.  See the cartoon my sister-in-law Deb sent.

And then..... Boondock's shrimp tomorrow and Wednesday is Spaghetti for $5 at the Moose Lodge (sounds like more excuses).  At least I don't have to do my monthly weigh in to Weight Watcher's until March.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Friday, Feb. 1st Update

Boy, we've been busy.  We've had lots of company and have made some new friends.  People are so friendly down here and I've been told that I'll talk to anyone.  What's the old saying?-- Strangers are friends that we haven't met yet.  :-)  Funny, I hate talking on the phone though (maybe all those years of switchboard work) or maybe I am becoming my mother after all !!

Cousin Ed and his son Chris came down for a few days and a good time was had.  The guys went out in the boat and fished (nothing major was caught, just lots of smaller ones), we did the usual sightseeing, the restaurants, the bat house and drove down to Key West (again).  None of this is helping my diet any!  Here's the link to the bat tower, very interesting.  Hope it opens for you, or you can Google it.

Glenna and Dave Cook have arrived from Colorado and live on the airstrip behind us, or in front of us, depending which direction you look.  Dave is helping to build an airplane that had been started years ago and he'll be speeding that process along.  He's built several airplanes and helped with others--sooooooo I've been showing Glenna all the "ins and outs" of where to shop, buy sandals, Salvation Army, etc.  It's been tough, but somebody's gotta do it!  I've gotta say, she's a quick learner. 

We've trained her on the best of the "Happy Hours" and she doesn't hardly drink.  She's the one that told me I talk to anybody, and now today I caught her talking to a stranger in the grocery store.  HA, busted!  Dave took a commercial flight back to Colorado yesterday, then he will be flying his airplane back here as he missed his plane and flying.  I hope he has a safe trip back.

An article was in the Keynoter News that the Fat Albert Blimp will be shut down mid March.  OH NO, so sad.  It cost lots to run and maintain and is outdated with the new satellites now.  My suggestion would be to make it a National Landmark (or museum) and run it on donations or fees to tour the site, but they didn't ask my opinion and probably won't.  If you notice my picture with clouds and see a spec in the middle, that's Fat Albert waaaaaaaaay up in the sky.  I'm gonna miss him, but it no longer was meant to be.

Homer and I went to Key West last Saturday to check out a friend of Homer's daughter (Jean).  You know, the oldest daughter (she hates it when I say that--sorry Jean).  Anyway, Deeter I believe his name was--well his wife had a booth at the Art Fair and she sure made beautiful jewelry.  I wish I had such talent!  Then we ran into Glenna and her friend JoAnn at the Art Fair.  JoAnn is the gal with the parrot MiMi that ate dinner with us last year at Salute` Restaurant.  That was a great memory, as I've NEVER knew that parrots could be potty trained, but MiMi is!

I went back to Key West with Glenna yesterday (when she dropped Dave off to the airport).  She wanted to stop and shop at the Ross Store.  With construction and one-ways, it took us almost 3 tries to get there.  Siri on our Iphone was not construction savvy.  Anyway, there was this cool chicken in the parking lot that I was chasing around to get her picture, as she was camouflaged with the rocks in the background.  A guy said to me:  "Lady, it's just a chicken."  I told him I knew that, but we have grandkids that are cammo EVERYTHING, so this is for the TenBroeke Gang.  (You're Welcome)

Another pic is Homer with our friend's Jack-A-Wa Wa dog (half Chihuahua and half Jack Russell).  She's a sweetheart of a pup, named Mia.

The big tent you'll notice is how they fumigate for termites.  Wouldn't you just love having to re-wash your dishes, strip all your bedding, drapes, whatever?  Geese, those darn little bugs.  Or maybe it was for cockroaches?

Oh ya, we have some stone crab traps set and Homer came home with 13 one day.  Yum.  They only sell for $25 a lb.  They're as good as lobster, and Matt our landlord showed us how to boil and crack them.  You twist off one of the claws and throw the crab back.  They grow it back in about a year I was told.

Starting tomorrow--my children and grandkids will be coming late in the day and staying for several days.  Wooo Hooo!  I should have lots more pictures for the next update.