Friday, October 31, 2014

10-31-14 Halloween

Woke up to this lurking about:  
Ya think they're waiting to see if we're good pickings yet?

We headed out via the toll road and had lunch at the Miccoaukee Resort Casino near Homestead. Homer took his rest and I donated some to the Indians. Being this is where I once won $1,200 in a promotion - I didn't feel too bad to lose a little. 

We decided to spend a night at the Everglades, but the booth lady was rude and wanted xtra cuz we had kayaks. We told her we wouldn't be using them and then she told us the furthest campground was the only one open. We thought "screw it" and turned around. 

About that time our good friend Mark called us so we decided to shoot for the Keys and park in his yard. 

Traffic was stop and go before Islamorada and as we crept by we noticed about 5 cop cars removing yellow tape from around a bank. Either someone was hurt or a bank was robbed. Probably will never find out. 

The rest of the trip was insignificant except for the beauty of it all. 

Wind is blowing but it's in the 80's. 

We ate dinner in the camper as Mark and Hilda had dinner plans with friends.  I figured for sure we'd have a drink with them before night's end and we did.  They have become great friends over the years and we have been to many of their sunset parties and her fantastic cooking. 

This will be the end of the blog til we get back on the road in May - 2015. I'll have occasional shots on Facebook I'm sure!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

10-27, 28, 29, & 30th - 2014

Well, on the 27th we woke up to a flat tire in the Walmart parking lot. Homer mentioned the trailer didn't feel level when we woke up and I told him I had checked the level and both sides were level after we had parked. Lo and behold, right rear was flat. At least it didn't happen on the road. Of course the jack was buried but not as bad as we thought. 

We then went to Homosassa Tire and Repair. They told us the rim had rusted thru but couldn't help us for that size. :-(. But they pumped us up and didn't charge a thing. Great place!

So we mozied on down to Pat and George's at Plant City (they are the ones we passed on I-75 in Kentucky) so we could unhook the trailer and head to daughter Kate's for a visit and dinner at our favorite restaurant, Moe's. Well, we couldn't get the padlock off the trailer hitch as Homer left the keys at home on the workbench. That, of course, is one key I don't have a backup to. Now you know they don't make these locks to be easily broken into, and in Katy's development - you can't park on the street with a car, let alone a trailer 

So Mark Sprouse (Pat and George's son on the Strawberry Farm) had a grinder. It worked like a charm, so we could unhook and off we went for our visit. 

Had a great time with the "Fam" and then we were off again. 

Next morning we went to Downtown Plant City and bought 2 new tires and rims. Phew!  I realize that I'd never do something like this on my own, just too many things to go wrong. 

We left Plant City for Stuart, Fl Walmart. They don't allow overnight parking we found out (as we always ask when we get there) probably a town/township restriction. So we went to Phipps County Park which is across the road from the Port St. Lucie Corps of Engr. Park that we have reservations for the following 2 days 

On the 29th we got to our reserved spot. We have been here several times in the past but it's not easy to get into without reservations. That's not our usual M. O. but you gotta do what you gotta do ahead of time. 

It's fantastic weather. All the smells, fauna, bird sounds are returning to my memory.   Beats the memory of rain, snow and mud. We are spoiled. 

Forgot to mention that the camper next to us, a guy named Chuck, is a "Carnie." He traveled the carnivals for like 10-15 years, then took time off to raise his boys while doing real estate and then worked as an insurance adjuster, apparently where he made his best money. Of course Homer knows an insurance adjuster that worked this area during hurricanes and had them talking on the phone within minutes. They both knew some of the same people. Amazing!  

Chuck is a veteran and gets medical thru VA, is retired from previous job(s) and he's been back doing what he loves most for some time now.  He has a photo booth in the back of his vehicle and sells tickets at the gate. Of course he's divorced, so why not?  His boys live around this area, so he camps in between gigs. 

We had a nice discussion about the book: Water for Elephants - which I would highly recommend.  He said the book was very accurate in its details except for the lingo or verbiage used. I was impressed. That's one of the great things regarding our travels, meeting such interesting people. 

We had dinner tonight with cousins Ed, Doug, and 95 year old Aunt Marie Ludwick at the Square Grouper in Jupiter.  It was hard to find, but a fantastic place on the water. I could live there, as I tell Homer each time we visit another great place. 

Anyway, Marie is still sharp as a tack and I just love her to the moon and back. We should all hope to be as healthy at her age. Upon leaving, she said to the bouncer-guy, "I bet I'm the oldest person here today." He said - "Nah, the night is still young."  I asked if he thought anyone over 95 would be coming yet, and he was shocked that she's 95 and told her that he was sure she won!

Sunday, October 26, 2014

10-25-14 Leaving for Florida

Friday night Homer showed Colin Cooper (our new grandson by marriage to Kaity Jansma) how to run the tractor to plow snow this winter. They will be staying at the house for 6 months as they hope to buy around Sparta and this will be the perfect way to test the waters.  You may see him doing donuts in the yard as he was lovin Homer's John Deere. 

We didn't sleep a wink that night and left about 4:30. After our 1st fuel full up, the Jeep wouldn't start. We thought "Oh No" this is gonna be a lousy start.  Homer let her cool off and then she started, thinking the turbos needed cooling or something. 

Our friends Pat and George Sprouse that own the strawberry farm in Fl. where we usually park when on route, well they were headed to the Smokey Mtns. She texted me on a whim asking me how far along we were. I told her we were coming near Lexington, KY and they were too but NB.  It was where I-75 and 40 run together a short bit. I texted back for them look for our yellow kayaks and within minutes they saw us. We didn't see them due to the cement divider, but what are the odds of that??  We could have metup for lunch. 

We spent the night in a Cracker Barrel parking lot near Cartersville, GA and had a great meal there. It's the only place we know of where adults can eat off the kid's menu.  With Homer not having a stomach and me on an eternal diet, it works out well. 

Again when we stopped at a McDonald's for coffee, the car didn't want to start, but then did. Phew!

When we crossed the Fl line we immediately went to the Welcome Center for the FREE  juice and the FREE large print map.  Yes, we could have had a small print, but large seems like a good idea with all the seniors.  I've been seeing all these old people with gray hair, walking stiff after climbing out of their vehicles, (with a wobbly gait) and we noticed most of them have Mi plates. OMG, we're one of them!!!

Around 5:30 Homer and I got to Homosassa. We immediately went to the local Chassahiwitzka (We pronounce it "Case of Whiskey") Lodge and Bar.   Burger, fries and coleslaw for $7, quite the deal. Link to where we usually camp nearby:

We always meet MI people there and have a nice talk with someone. He told us his buddy got robbed at a rest area near Atlanta, $1,700 last year. He pulled in like 6 in the morn to sleep and some cons conned him into getting out of his car on some ruse and got him between two trailers and robbed him, out of sight from everyone.  Police came, but he didn't even want to go to the police station, just wanted to get the heck out of Dodge, or should I say Atlanta. :-(

Anyway we're staying at Wally-World tonight.  Ironically, I sleep well with all the noise of traffic and motors, just as long as there's not a dripping faucet or a fly in the camper.  

Headed to Lutz tomorrow to see daughter and the gang. Yeah!  

Excuse typos, as between cell phone keyboard and spell check, this is difficult. 

Thursday, September 18, 2014

9-11 thru 9-18-14 (As We Headed Back Home Slowly......)

We headed out from family on Thurs, 9-11 stopping by to see Laurie's new pups at their Highland Marina residence.  I love how the spotted blanket and spotted pups blend.  How cute is that!  It was great seeing family again.

We traveled across the famous Trail Ridge Rd. of the Rocky Mountain National Park.  It was a beautiful day, but there was rumor of foul weather in a couple of days.  Once the permanent snow flies, they shut her down.  There are few (if any) real guard rails on this road.  I don't consider a cement block something that would stop a vehicle pulling a trailer from going over the edge.  Hope this loads for you (video will show on PC but not cell): 

Our good friends Dave and Glenna Cook had been wanting us to see their new place in Windsor, CO - so this was the perfect opportunity to swing by.  We parked the trailer in front of their place for a few days and we wined and dined and had a great time. What a beautiful house.  Homer got to go fly with Dave and do the guy-type things.  Glenna and I went to see the Chihuly Glass Display (girl-type stuff) at the Denver Botanical Gardens.  Even though I saw his art at the Frederick Meijer Gardens before, this was all new (to me) and more beautiful than ever.  I love glass and like to collect old bottles.

On Sunday, 9-14, we were heading back home.   We traveled through Cawker City Kansas, with the world's largest ball of twine.  Yeowser!  Here's a link if you care:  Amazing what some people will do.  Notice the bench, like we're gonna sit and stare at the twine.    :-)

Again (as in years past) we stayed at a city campground in Canton, Missouri and got to watch the barges go by and through the locks on the Mississippi River.  Some were 5 barges long and 3 wide.  Quite something to watch.  Homer never tires of the boats, and then there's the Mark Twain Casino down the road to keep my attention.  I don't know why, but I had been more lucky this trip than ever, racking up some nice profits.  I won't brag, for we know the odds aren't in our favor - but I'll take what I can get when the going is good. 

This has been a trip I'll always remember.  There's many more memories and photos, but I don't want to bore you with it all, so we'll just carry them in our minds and hearts forever.

Then on Thurday, 9-18, we arrived home around 11:30 a.m. just 15 miles short of 5,000.  The house looked so clean and nice, and we had to go and muckie it up with unloading groceries, laundry, suitcases, etc.  It will be good to sleep in our own bed again tho!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

9-4 thru 9-9, 2014 -- Celebrating Jerry and Libby Teitsma's 50th Wedding Anniversary

We left Jean and Bills's place at a leisurely pace and ended up at a Walmart Parking lot in Rock Springs, WY.  Scenery was beautiful and roads were good. It's great to not be in a rush. 
We went thru part of Idaho, Wyoming and dinosaur terrain in Utah - and it's an amazing area though we had been there before and we were anxious to get to Jerry and Lib's place the day before their celebration.

We did the usual visit to Estes Park and saw some elk but no Moose yet. 

Here's the view from Jer and Lib's house, up in the clouds at Granby. 

We did the Trail Ridge Route into Estes and visited the Stanley Hotel with a friend. It has hosted a myriad of famous people including presidents.  Also, novelist Stephen King stayed there and it inspired him to write "The Shining."  They claim to have hauntings and Ghost Hunters has been there (if you care.)

It was built by the gentelman that was part inventor to the Stanley Steamer car.  They say this still runs and is used on special occasions.

Then on Sat, 9-6 was the celebration of Jer and Lib's 50th. Libby got to help with cutting flowers from her garden for the centerpieces -- but everything else was planned, handled and cooked for by daughters Laurie Hedgecock and Susie Damon and their spouses and chilldren.

The celebration was held at the Drowsy Water Ranch. I can't think of a better place that they could have chosen. Absolutely fantastic!

I was told about about 125 people would be enjoying the celebration with us. 

Libby and Jerry Teitsma's 50th Wedding Anniversary

Carl and Susie Damon, their daughter

Libby, granddaughter Kaity Hedgecock, grandson Ben Damon and Jerry 

Sister Jone and Jay Kuiper

Brother Homer and Laurie Hedgecock, their daughter

Kath and Jean

Laurie, Jean, Susie and Jone

Niece Amanda Kuiper and granddaughter Sophie Damon

Congratulations to Laurie for our fine dining experience. Food was fantastic!

Introductions by daughter Susie with an ongoing slideshow in the background.  It was a fantastic montage of 50 years worth of Jer and Lib family pictures and a great music selection including Johnny Cash.  I can't imagine the work they put into this.  Gee -- all Homer and I had to do was show up. :-)

Let's not forget behind the scenes -- all the work that was done by grandson Kiffer and Laurie's husband Paul.

After all the people were fed, Laurie takes a breather to nuture the goats. She is amazing with all animals and Laurie and Paul own Carousel Aussies, breeding Toy and Mini Aussies. Check out her link: They just had a litter of six I'm told. 

The Grand Finale was Square and Line Dancing.  I wish I could load some video, but my I-Pad won't let me, or the blog site limits the memory use.

A great time was had by all. I've never been to a better anniversary celebration and I'm sure people will remember this forever. It was great to get together with family and friends again. 

Homer and I will hang out here a couple more days of just relaxing before being "On the Road Again."  Sing it Willie!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

9-1 thru 9-4, 2014 at Jean and Bills

We routed thru Yellowstone Park from the east end -- looping north and out the west end and on to daughter Jean and Bill's home near Ennis, MT.  We had never been there and finally can envision all that she had been describing to us. Their place is beautiful, much larger than we had expected.  Beautiful mountains everywhere and a development here is like 6-10 acre plots or much more, nothing like the city. 

They have pigs named Breakfast, Lunch and supper. Hmmmmm? There's chickens too, but none named that I know of except I heard reference to Henpecked. 

The Madison River meanders all around here and is Nationally known for fly fishing, but I just don't get the idea of catch and release. I'd rather catch and eat. 

We had supper at the Blue Moon Restaurant 2 nights and I can attest to some of the best macaroni and cheese ever and fantastic ribs. Mexican is great too!  Their salsa is ALMOST as good as Homer's and the best of any restaurant made ever. 

Homer and I browsed Virginia and Nevada City on Tues. A very interesting and historic area that I would highly recommend if you're in the area.  The first ever female black woman owned a utility company - or water company at Virginia City. She originally had been a slave and came west after the Civil War. She ended up owning a building where 5 "alleged" criminals previously were hung on her rafter.  I like how they used the word alleged. :-(

We took the "adventurous" 2 track road back to Jean's. I wanted Homer to turn around at one point, but we kept going and made it.  There had been some rain days previous and the washboard and potholes were nasty in spots, but beautiful scenery everywhere. 

On Wednesday we visited the Earthquake Lake Visitor Center near Gallatin Nat'l Forest and saw a short movie about the history of how 28 people lost their lives on Aug. 17th of 1959 when an earthquake made the earth crack and drop and made part of the mountain avalanche on top of campers below. The wind gust was 100 mph due to the dropping of land and air pressure and is said to have ripped the clothes off many survivors. Just can't imagine this. It also created the lake. There are several good books on this and I'd like to read up on it. 

Check this link:

Below is a picture of part of the earth avalanche.  I believe the quake was 7 plus on the Richter Scale. Huge boulders had dropped on many tents and cars and campers near this area and the roads were ripped to shreds. Helicopters had to come to the rescue the next day. 

The survivors were injured and confused and made it up to a high point now known as Refuge Point, as they were told the dam burst - but luckily it held. This is where Jean took Homer and I for a hike - 2.4 miles and I did the whole thing as it was not steep or Rocky. 

Jean gave me training on bear spray as we were both prepared. Homer was not obliging so we would have protected him I'm sure. Ha!  See my spray canister hanging on my belt. 

Then returning home, of course we snaked around and went past some talc mines, or is it talcum?  Think twice next time you powder your nose (or feet) or it's used in a myriad of other concoctions. 

En route home we saw three Golden Eagles. Sooo cool, but my phone wouldn't pick them up, but Jean had her telescopic lens - so I hope she got some good ones. 
I hate heights and wouldn't back up any further!

There's free roaming cattle everywhere. and we hear that cattle rustling is gaining popularity with the price of meat. So sad. 

As of now, we 're camped at Wally World (Walmart) in Rock Springs, Wyoming and I always sleep great in their lots. We can't remember seeing so many campers at a Walmart.  I always amaze Homer that I can sleep thru the rumbling of engines and refrig systems, but can 't tolerate a fly buzzing or a clock ticking.  Excuse typos as spell check can make up some crazy words. Night!